Why BORUTO is the great series and different from NARUTO?

The main logo of BORUTO -Naruto Next Generation-

Written by Jikanet 

Beware of Major Spoilers from latest chapters, anime, and manga, also the controversial contents which cause any disturbing toward community, please be mindful that this post is for an sharing educational purpose, not a attracting the hates and war intended between two communities!!

BORUTO -Naruto Next Generation- series is the direct sequel to the Masashi Kishimoto's work NARUTO set 15 years after The Fourth Great Shinobi War and since the era of NARUTO is already over, but the new era of peace has begun and his will of fire has been torched pass by his son, Boruto Uzumaki.

BORUTO -Naruto Next Generation- Manga Volume 1 by Ukyo Kodachi and Mikio Ikemoto

The BORUTO Manga was first released in 2016 and it currently consist with 12 Volumes and 51 chapters, while the next chapter will be released on the next month.

The beginning of plan for BORUTO Series started ever since the successful acclaims for it's movie version, BORUTO -Naruto the Movie- which is the final story of NARUTO Series which was released in August 7, 2015, although Masashi Kishimoto reject for participants for the sequel series, but instead entrusting the creation of Boruto Series to Ukyo Kodachi as the screenwriter and Mikio Ikemoto as the Illustrator, while Kishimoto is in charged for the Initial Idea/Concept and supervising the manga works.

Although, the series got a good reception to the new audience and several to more Naruto fans who really enjoyed to watch the continuation to their beloved franchise and their favorite characters with a next generation, BORUTO also received sometimes a negative reception by NARUTO Fans, due to believing that Kishimoto no longer writing and producing art for BORUTO Manga, instead that he become supervisor and editoral to the series, also unable to accepting the series was wrote by another person like Kodachi instead Kishimoto did, and considered the series as Cash Grab, and Trash to their perception they see in BORUTO Series.

The problems issue regarding the beginning chapters release is the way of how Mikio Ikemoto drawing the manga in his own artstyle which is way different than how Kishimoto usually drawn Naruto & his characters that he had created. With his art drawn from first to ten chapter was received a negative response by NARUTO Fans as they didn't start BORUTO Manga in a brand-new story like Mujina Bandit Arc with the way of his artstyle gained poor match to original one, however, as monthly to monthly with through four years that Ikemoto is able to improved his artstyle much better with also creating never-seen character from NARUTO Series which exclusive to BORUTO and gained better response from Fans overseas.

Other negative response is how series starting in brighter direction instead darker direction, despite the darker scenes only shown as prologue in first two pages in first chapter, which leaving fans wondering since it's a cliffhanger to what happened to Naruto and other characters from NARUTO and BORUTO. The rarely reason is so many people still didn't read BORUTO Manga, or even only just saw a slightest panel of manga scenes.

However, this blog will fully fleshed about BORUTO as the series of it's own.


Boruto, Sarada, and Mitsuki in a New Era of Konohagakure as a main setting.

The direct sequel and spin-off series, BORUTO -Naruto Next Generation- is set 15 years after the Fourth Shinobi World War which the world is now entering a new age of era where all nations of Shinobi came together in peace, Harmony and union together, breaking the Cycle of Hatred brought a satisfying result with a peace as a match key to the new era with Naruto Uzumaki's effort as the seventh hokage to change the Way of Shinobi to carry on The Will of Fire. 

Naruto as Hokage has brought preserving peace and overcome the hatred through mind that placed to Shinobi in the past, brought a many hopes for the future civilization and the great bonds between five united nation, including accross the countries to continue last longer than ever.

Konohagakure in New Era

The main starter setting will be on the new era of Konohagakure which now filled with different structure of new buildings, new styles of street, and shop gets much bigger with adds a new variant products on it, not just that, it brought the existence of Technology and Science ever expanding through it's nature and it's usual things that happens now in the new era, brought a new ways of structure in much advance and came easier than how the previous generation could lived Konohagakure in the past. We might won't forget about TV somehow getting bigger, with trading card, few transportation came as key to shinobi world and the education became more freedom, whether they want to lived as a shinobi or lived as civilian, but also helping preserving the development through Technology and Science.

Technology and Scientist brought to help a change toward civilization development and the world of ninja. You all can imagine that Naruto setting could be like between 1955 and 1980s where there are less technologies and scientist, and people have to use manual weapons or traditional weapons for a mission and much less to none transportation can be found in konohagakure to traveling through the other side of the village, most of them have to travelling through destination using their Ninja run and Ninja Jump through the tree (But correct me if I'm wrong).

But in Boruto setting in my opinion had similar vibes in 1995 to 2000s where Technology has developed in advancement progress, with existence of tools, video games, foreign food, and more had brought civilization to become modern with stable enters to the new era ever since the Fourth Ninja World War. Scientist will helping to researching and developing a new technology and gadget to help Shinobi during mission also can used to help Non-Shinobi with their activities during home, work, and anything.

A new transportation in Konohagakure, Kaminarimon Train Rail

Not just technology but one transportation that we already seen in BORUTO Manga and Anime like Train which was invented by Kaminarimon Train Company has became a major key toward New Era's development and showing how people can now travel between Five Nation of Village using train, which how it can access much easier than how it was to travel and meet friend outside of village which is really interesting take development for the new era setting, this has brought a new dimension scenery could take a look fresh to the new era of Shinobi World.

In sort, the new era in BORUTO brought a major setting with Technology and Science become a main key lore to the series, although the more explanation regarding both of them can be explained below as how it become important. If you're thinking that the Fourth Shinobi World War Arc and BORUTO is a disappoint takes to shonen formulas or to the franchise, it might be best for you to read first what's really store for the series goes through progress, you might also think that If Naruto didn't broke the cycle of hatred, it would be impossible for his effort to create a peace as achievement to the World of Shinobi, in other words, every hard work he has put a lot into will come to waste. 

BORUTO and the new era is the result how their efforts had brought united through the peace of Shinobi world.

Story Theme & Direction

Pass Baton is the same as Pass the Will of Fire to the Next Generation

"BORUTO Focuses on how to shake off the inheritance of one own's family" - Mikio Ikemoto in LUCCA COMICS 2018

To explain more at above quotes, inheritance means passing from the older toward a new one in another words like Baton Pass and well it's kinda complicated, but what I'm trying to say is that it was meant to passing what they had for to the next one, in examples, Parents passing all of their powers to their kids or their grandkids, it could also be more like Transfer.

In the story theme of BORUTO will focus how the next generation striving themselves to became a different, following a different path and a different identities from their parents, in simple ways to be put, which means to become their own person and their own selves. From my examples, My father was a lawyer that strives to protect defendant from the sentences, but for me, I had no lawyer's skill even thought My father has that one, and for another example that My Mom was good at Entrepreneurship, but I wasn't good at that too. But sometimes Children really forced to inheritance somethings from Parents through their dying wish or something very selfishly.

And so, the question regarding about your child and the next generation, what skill that they good at? Did they had a same skill as their parents? Or different from their parents? Has they wanting to become like their parents? Or wanting to be a different and following what they really suited for themselves? If those question came bothering you and that's how you might gonna think about a future of your children and the next generation comes, and this is why BORUTO story focuses on to become different from the Old Generation, different from their parents.

Boruto and Naruto

Everyone can become everything and The next generation strives to become different, to become who they are. Even thought they had a same face, shape body and even habits as their parents, but the personality, quirks, the way they lived, their like, and how they would experience it become different from what other people had realized. 

Every story of direction in BORUTO is different from NARUTO which came about loneliness, hatred, revenge and how to overcome it, but this series is different from it's predecessor, and as I told you above, it came about Following their own nature, their own selves, their own dreams, and their own paths and that's how unique of BORUTO -Naruto Next Generation- story and the way how their story told different from the older one.

It's not Naruto story anymore, it's Boruto story now.

Boruto and Naruto Illustration by Mikio Ikemoto

If you take a look the difference between NARUTO Series protagonist Naruto Uzumaki and BORUTO Series protagonist Boruto Uzumaki, it seems they really match in just over 70-85% if you look at their appearance, but their difference can be seen within their personality, skills, powerscaling, intellegence, chakra power, and experience with struggle they've had gone through, aspiring them do something they really choose for despite their perspective are differentiate altogether.

As the story of Naruto Uzumaki take on his journey to preserve his dream to become Hokage, while learning the experience about Hatred, Sadness, Revenge, Loneliness, and Pain through his journey had brought him to understand each other bringing his push forward to his purpose when he became an Hokage, through his effort to overcome and put at end the Cycle of Hate which placed to all shinobi through centuries. But if you think the sequel, BORUTO would take the same direction as Naruto did, that would be impossible. 

Because the story of sequel will focuses on his son, Boruto Uzumaki, and it's not about story becoming Hokage or trying to gained something and achieving something like his father, it would be opposite as what people might had think about him and his own story.

Naruto and Boruto (From NARUTO x BORUTO NINJA TRIBES)

It's really connected to those I already told above, as the story striving on the protagonist Boruto to follow and surpassing their parents, that includes his father, to created his own story to follow. If you look the difference how his characterization between two characters goes, all I could say, Boruto is an unique one, with his prodigy skills, intelligence, jutsu, and chakra are different from what's Naruto used to had, for second, he has everything like his parents, friends, and someone who really recognize, even though his a problem child who only wanting for his father's attention, same as how Naruto doing for everyone's attention.

But the way it leads for him is opposite, rather he becoming Hokage like his father, he following his own path and inspired by Sasuke Uchiha, to become a shadow who supporting the hokage this is was how he saw and feel what his father had struggling all this time to make it until now, which is how he wants to create his own story in a matters to be his own selves. However, it comes in determined price in difference how Boruto would overcome the struggle which is very hard than what Naruto did, the more thing I would explained below with how his story direction will be differentiate from Naruto.

The Cast of the Next Generation

The Cast of the Next Generation

Each of the Next Generation cast has it's own unique, it's own personality, traits, their motives and difference from their parents. If you already watch and read both BORUTO Manga and Anime, it precisely that you know how their character really work in different ways how the older generation does as story progress. It might be best to look at Sarada Uchiha and Mitsuki for example. 

The Daughter of Sasuke and Sakura, Sarada Uchiha

For Sarada's case, she had sharingan like his father and has a super strength or enhanced chakra strength like his mother, however, Sarada's goal is different from either from his mother or even his father, but one things that her dream was inspired by Naruto, to become Hokage who continued to preserved a peace like Seventh Hokage, however, she lack a true meaning what it means to be Hokage, so as the story progress, she learnt more how to strive for it. Although she share some of appearance, intellegence, & serious from Sasuke, but her personality, cuteness, and cheerful side, might came from her mother, Sakura.


For my favorite character, on Mitsuki's case is very unique, neither he had parents, however, he only has both who can become his mother and his father, that's right one and only, Orochimaru. Am I should laughed at him for becoming a both, well if it is up to him and that's all matters. Back on the topic, for Mitsuki's case, as you guys already read Naruto Gaiden: The Path illuminated by Full Moon (also in BORUTO Anime Episode 39) he's struggling that who he's trusting, who's he gonna taking order, and what he gonna do, should he listen to his creator or listen to one who has suffered from his creator, well in critical decision, all Mitsuki can say, "All that doesn't really matter to him". 

This is also one of important keys how the main themes story had brought a mindset to this three character, like Boruto, Sarada, and Mitsuki, however, with Mitsuki is unique, even he inheritance something, but his choice is something that he want to make up for himself, it doesn't matter which he want to choose, as long as he sees fit or as long as someone close to him like Boruto wants to, everything in his case had something to do with his choice, what's all matters to him and whatever he wants too.

Ino-Shika-Cho in Next Generation

As for the next generation of Ino-Shika-Cho (Shikadai Nara, Inojin Yamanaka and Cho-Cho Akimichi), for me indeed they had same character traits and appearance as their parents only for little different in gender for Inojin and Chou-Chou, but even so, their personality and traits are surely different from their parents, but sometimes it bothers me with them being copy from their parents even though some of their appearance traits are little bit different.

Each of the next generation as their own case, their own conflict, their own goals and their own stories what they really want to tell and what they had strive themselves to become different from their older generation, but sometimes they too must known the struggle and how hard a Ninja World is in order to become stronger and pursuing their own identities.

Sumire Kakei/Shigaraki

Although, I'm really praised for Sumire Kakei or as Sumire Shigaraki, who she had spent being cursed by a last wish of his father to avenge for their parents and the organization Roots to destroying Konoha, even though she made a good life in Academy as student and becoming a Class Representative, even so she cannot run from those past and the last wish for revenge. 

Using Nue and Gozu Tennou for her goal and intent to destroying the village to fulfill the roots and his father's dream, also to sacrificing herself, but thanks to Boruto and Mitsuki who stopping Sumire to sacrificing herself for a mission, up until now, she can now lived with her own identity as Sumire Kakei as one of Boruto's comrade along with Sarada, Mitsuki and everyone else in Academy, also as Konohagakure's Kunoichi and later became a Scientific Research with Katasuke. Although many of her fans wishing her to return for her role as Kunoichi, but Sumire is getting some large portion in BORUTO Manga.

I think this also a better example for how main theme of BORUTO came about, it's much better how cast can follow their own path and nurtured themselves to become their own identities without relying on inheritance from their parents.

Why BORUTO is a great series and different from NARUTO?

Boruto and Naruto in Naruto Shippuden Episode 500 Post-Credit

BORUTO Series is a direct-sequel to the massive popular franchise, NARUTO and served as a spin-off to it's predecessor focusing on Boruto Uzumaki, the son of the seventh hokage, Naruto Uzumaki which has distinct character personality, quirk and story development than his own father. There are several reason why BORUTO Series was a great series, while not too much overusing nostalgic feels from the previous series, but instead, trying to balance and maintaining between old and new generation. Although this series will actually focused toward a new generation in all-new era after the fourth shinobi world war.

While it is also the direct-continuation from NARUTO Series, but in different ways with how the story will take up with new protagonist, new theme, new direction, and a new cast brought out for a new side, of course the setting will be took on the peaceful world of shinobi in Post-War. They challenging themselves to surpassing their parents, the old ones, and to nurtured their own identities, but even so, the stronger connection between Old and New Generation, including The Will of Fire is never lost as it continue passing through generation to generation, and the new generation must take up their own will of fire to create their history to tell which is how it brought something new unique than mostly other shonen genre did. Even thought it began to be somehow distinctly connected to predecessor series to crafting a new fans to enjoy while also putting something that would be enjoyed by older fans as well.

As BORUTO bringing the story in a different direction and distantly from NARUTO Series with expand more themes about Science, Tools and Technology which is also the key theme through the series progress which connected through between good or bad use elements of the technology brought story forward how to filled and open more dimension to the new era. It also striving to protect the Will of Shinobi and the Will of Fire even the era has changed with more technology and science become usual things happen in a modern Konohagakure and it doesn't shy away with a conflict still arise in many new ways.

Boruto Uzumaki's story challenge himself to become and following his own path from his father, which continuously setting up for something bigger and different for Boruto and how it could be told in different ways through his journey, even though Dark Fated as placed to him and how he can overcome the fate that is inherited to him. The Journey is start different in unique way with the start from brighter one can turn into something much darker and bigger than any shonen could, but it's all matters to the process how Author could handle the story and risking their decision in hope to build up the story and how it really lead up to The End of Shinobi Saga.

Why the inclusion of Technology & Scientist would be a main factor toward BORUTO Series?

Scientific Ninja Tools

As they reached a new era with the existence of advance Technology and Science has brought a ways to help the civilization in terms for an health care, transportation, weapon, entertainment, social protection, security and everything that had brought the positivity within Shinobi and Non-Shinobi.

But two of them can also become a dangerous and threat toward humanity, with people using the technology and science in the wrong ways will put the Ninja World in sight of negativity activism like War, Forbidden Experiment, Criminal Act, Descruction, Poverty, Killing, Deep Conspiracy, and anything that could endangering the people's lives on the lines which seriously severe than people could imagine.


According to Mikio Ikemoto at LUCCA COMICS 2018 Interviews, BORUTO series will addressed Today's Society which about the right and wrong used of technology and science, the way how BORUTO Series always covering key themes about both of them which is how it became an important factor to the series.

Shinobi World still struggling whether Shinobi will still use chakra jutsu or using Ninja Tech to make the mission more easier, but it means that it would stray them away from their will of Shinobi if they only relying on Ninja Tech, this ideology will be questioned to the next generation of shinobi for how they will kept their wills of Shinobi even in a new era and more advance technology were developed. Even for science, it might took times to choose whether they will kept continue using chakra or using science over ninjutsu to help people.

Somehow it could become too dangerous or too powerful for shinobi to used it, fallen into a wrong hands would cause main havoc to one and another villages. For example, The creation a clones (Like how Amado creating clones like Delta and Kashin Koji or Ohnoki creating a five clones), weaponize tech against the innocent even for Shinobi (Boro for example), War Drugs (As it's stated in Shinobi Secret Column), forbidden experiments for the purpose (KARA), causing the upcoming war and destruction to the one & another nation (which pictured in the very first page of the first chapter in BORUTO Manga), also the biggest things that would end The Era of the Shinobi.

Prosthetic Arm

Although, both of them also had it's used for positivity for Shinobi, civilian, seller, business, scientist, and everything that really had meaningful to use depends how they gonna used to it. Those concepts can be used for researching the concept of Chakra, Creating Drugs, Bionic Arms from Chakra, Hacking & Analyzing (Denki with his laptop hacking skill), Scientific Ninja Tools, Handling a climate changes, creating a robotic arms for disability people (that were includes Ao who losing his hand during war), Creating a transportation to travel through countries and even nation (Kaminarimon thunder rail is more than just example as a transportation). 

I think it's safe to say that either Technology and Science is dangerous or safe, good or bad, brought peace or chaos, it all depends how they will use it. That's how it brought a key moments in BORUTO Series.

From Lighter to Darker Story in BORUTO.

Showing the picture where the series will headed from Peace to Descruction

BORUTO as the series started in peaceful and brighter, it's about the next generation who trying to surpassed the old one and become their own person. But that's not just how the story would goes in term progression development to his character.

The series will not about achieving something that would bring the direction of the story development even more lighter, but instead slowly and slowly that it would get more darker and intense as it progressed through the story. Boruto's fate will dark and sad one, as it foretold by Momoshiki that he would lost someone who really precious to him, which means Boruto will lose everything that he had, the death that he would face on would be inevitable for him.

Mysterious Organization named KARA brought overturn change to BORUTO Series.

Unlike NARUTO, the series take would be opposite from predecessor to be taken in dark turn, as the story entering AO Arc with appear of the organization KARA, and the continuous mystery about Otsutsuki with KARMA as the key of the lore. and a mysterious boy name Kawaki who would be a key to tell how it really leads to ruins of Konohagakure and fated battle as we already saw in the very first page of first chapter which leaving in cliffhanger what happened to our characters besides Boruto and Kawaki.

According to Amado, KARMA exist as backup data to Otsutsuki, when one of their kind defeated which causing transfering their remains power into the one who defeated the otsutsuki, as result will slowly progressing and turning those users as Otsutsuki, which means revival plans for me. 

Momoshiki foretold the prophecy that those who defeat gods would no longer remain human

It might be also the ones that it foretold by Momoshiki, "Those who defeat gods cannot remain ordinary individuals" or if he said that Boruto would no longer become human if he defeat Otustsuki, which leads Boruto's story into darker as how his life at stakes whether he would become Momoshiki or to surpassing and overcome what's it stored for him.

Every story of BORUTO foreshadowing the darkest thing will happen to not just Boruto, but to his other friends and future of Shinobi World. According to the creators of NARUTO and BORUTO Series, Masashi Kishimoto at Interview JUMP FESTA 2017, despite the story start brighter, there will be turning point where it would lead into darker direction. Those I already explained would bring the possibility for inevitable chaos would happen, asides how Boruto's story unfold in the future, this would turn away from the truth that soon that the world will return to chaos slowly in possibility after. 

Everything is upside down, from NARUTO in darker to lighter, but BORUTO will return to where everything started from NARUTO, but in new era which would be much worst than anyone could expect, everything will lost for Boruto himself as his story progressing through.

Peace doesn't mean there are no Conflict in BORUTO Series.

Boruto Uzumaki

Before you commenting about how idiocy take that Ikemoto, Kishimoto and Kodachi had made setting in a Peaceful Ninja World, you need to know more the inside and deepest darkness behind Peace of the New Era in effect after The Fourth Shinobi World War.

You might had imagine about our world in peace after the World War II, but it doesn't mean that The World is in totally peace. People has their own perception, perspective and the way how they used this peace, everything depends on them. But people sometime has no satisfied after the end of the war, people just want more that really interest them, like Climate Change, Conflict, Corruption, Between Rich and Poor, Criminal, Justice & Injustice system, society, opinions, politics problem, conspiracy, and there's still more problem that arise in our world.

But you can also imagine if the New Era of Shinobi has that one too. With the effect of Post-Fourth Shinobi World War has not just brought a positive effect like I tell you above, there are also a negative effect that it has to brought. 

For Example: (MAJOR SPOILERS!)
  • The remnants of the old organization like Roots is still roaming around in the outside of village, and eventually one survivor like Sumire Kakei/Shigaraki doing their cause in dying wishes to bring descruction to the village as revenge. (Shown in BORUTO Anime Episode 13-14).
  • Power of Society level and the conflict between Rich & Poor causing the increased of Criminals happens between city and countries, but more like criminal can also happens when it comes robbing moneys from banks or stealing something that really important assets to the nation (Byakuya Gang might be well example as much as their intention same as what I written, plus #FreeRyogi).
  • The outers of KARA has manipulating through everything on the scene, starting with conspiracy between Feudals trying to overthrown Naruto Uzumaki as the seventh hokage, and Ikkyu Madoka as the Daimyo of Konoha, also the forbidden technologies who would cause uncertain incident happens during mission (Clones, Curse Mark Tech, and few more might had something to do with Outers which been shown in few anime original arcs).
  • Illegal Drugs happens around countries causing Naruto as Hokage is too busy to handle it. (More confirmation at Shinobi Secret Column #7 Science by Ukyo Kodachi) this also given Naruto as Hokage along with the others extremely busy to handle all problems arise during Peace Era.
There are still more problem arise in The Peaceful Era, this is much had similarity like our conflict in the real world which governors and people had dealing with. As matters for how I said above regarding about Ikemoto's statement with how BORUTO addressing the society issues, this matters of times to think there are more criminals who using the era also doing something that would brought big effect toward civilian.

"Until every nation is at Peace, the real war isn't over"

But later it given arise more dangerous conflict would happen and something that really complicated would bring back Shinobi World into a Chaos once more, this stated by Kodachi that Something complicated would bring the world back to chaos as the story progress. Although what happens to Naruto and how this connected to the World back into Chaos, however, next chapter will surely covering what will happen to him as the story progress.

Fully Fleshed out Story in BORUTO Anime.

Anime Poster Visual with the Next Generation

Although, BORUTO Manga is a monthly release and it only focused toward a main plots, the anime series will expand much further the story of BORUTO with a never-seen before story that never even told in a manga, but brought a bigger progress through not just Boruto, but to Naruto as well, along with new and old generations comes together in play only on Anime series.

The story of anime covering from Academy arc to Chunin Exam Arc and to Kara actuation Arc which still currently to be told in TV Anime. But it did fleshed out more about Boruto and the next generation, including with additional characters like Denki Kaminarimon, Iwabe Yuino, Sumire Kakei, Wasabi Izumo, Namida Suzumeno, and Tsubaki Kurogane who play as a support character but also become very important in few stories as it progresses.

Although there are inconsistency and few flaws toward the plot points, however, it gives a major world-building, more character development, and connecting the stories between Anime and Manga stories which brought lot attention toward the audience as how it continue connecting toward each other. Although the manga readers would consider the anime series as a filler, but the new way works of BORUTO Anime production along with Kodachi's involvement will allow the progressing the story forward and allowing the story continue to through bridge between Anime and Manga story. 

As anime adapting the manga story arc will not only brought a possibility to connect all anime original arc, but it also increased the emotional, expression, tone, and story development that it never even added in manga, as well how it also given additional story moments which increased the characters development and interaction as it fleshed out more than manga did.

Although, you all can try to hear music which composed by Yasaharu Takanashi, who most popular who composing three series like NARUTO Shippuden, Fairy Tail, and BORUTO, although there's more series that he composed the music for them. It shows a positive vibes to all fans mixing genre with few traditional Japanese with rock, it brought many new emotional, layers, and dimension to the story and the characters which help the anime series more realized with a backsound music.

More can be explained above the link in defense of BORUTO Anime and it's Canonity status for more details.

While enjoying Nostalgia from NARUTO Series, also needing to enjoying a new things in BORUTO Series.

While in Anime and Manga, the fans who loved Naruto can continued to watching him happy with his own families and achieving his dream as Hokage who preserving the peace between five nation. 

Indeed, there's also lot nostalgia with reference and callbacks from NARUTO Series events which fans can also reminding what most precious time that they had when they read and watching NARUTO for 15 years, and all lot satisfying that the anime and most of it manga of BORUTO brought back all those nostalgia in a big or small way, or maybe both will be fine, and the reason lot more people coming because of Naruto that who become the best characters among audience and readers, and being loved by them around the world.

We indeed trying to remember what's particular the best, sad, and most hyped scenes that we used to know and it does brings back memories to those who loved Naruto, but not just him, Sasuke is also be the one whom they really want to see as well, including Sakura, Hinata, Kakashi, and all Naruto's character began reappeared in cameo, minor and support in the anime and manga series, each of the characters is the most things that people really loved to see and interact with their children, although few characters from Naruto might still had no child, but it's also good that they can interact with a next generation.

Boruto and Naruto key visual art for Time Slip Arc

While we can Nostalgically to remember how we used to loved of our childhood series, NARUTO while also enjoying a lot a new things in BORUTO Series. Even though we can met with older generation, but we can also enjoy the next generation story, but it doesn't mean that they don't care about them, but with a wisdom and inspiration words from the experience that they had gone through their life in the past can transcend and pass it those wisdom to their child and how they can continue their own path with experience and wisdom that they had been given by their parents.

It's only natural for old fans to remembering back how they used to love NARUTO Series and what stories that transcended and become main inspiration to them, while we can also enjoy what it had been given by BORUTO Series, but it also means that we can still respecting the legacy of the old generation and Naruto who had fight through the struggles to revoke the cycle of hatred and with their Will of Fire which brought a peace to the Ninja World.

Enjoying a new things is okay, but respecting the old ones and their struggle is more important than anything else, that's gives a meaning how Next Generation can move forward and making a progress.

The reason why Naruto Uzumaki have to die.

Naruto's Sacrifice in BORUTO Anime in Versus Momoshiki Arc.

WARNING: Before going any further, please be minful and do not spread any misunderstanding, there are no hate intent toward Naruto, I really love Naruto as much as you guys do. Naruto Uzumaki is the most well-loved by around the world including my countries, so not all people would be triggered, but also every countries and nation will also getting triggered whether this question is currently on topic. This is served as Opinion and Education Purpose regarding the reasonable for why the death of Naruto brought a major big impact to Boruto's character development and his story's going forward.

The speculation and rumor about his death has been spread through internet and even a Media Social. Many people came in term to read the latest chapter and surprisingly making BORUTO Manga's trending through Internet, however, it's not Boruto doing something good, but his own father, Naruto getting much more attention than how his son ever did due to the latest chapter has teased the possibility of his death, although it came to worries for all fans around the world who had love him since childhood.

As someone like Naruto had gone through sadness without his parents, being rejected, indifferent, and hated by surrounding people of Konoha since his childhood, now that he grown to learn meanings of those experience in Shinobi World, achieving to become Hokage and having a family that something that he had wished for a long time ago. But this series and the latest chapter's teased brought a possibility for old fans to be triggered, when it comes the story turn into a sadness and his character's closure brought so many reasons that people might going angered toward BORUTO Series going forward.

The angered fans become usual when it comes comparing to their old beloved protagonist or even having him die despite the hardest struggle that he had gone through so far for 700 Chapters to achieve what he dream for, denying to believe that his life is going to an end in BORUTO. My statements and my opinions somehow might caused fans being triggered, but there are a reason why the death of Naruto would give a big major impact to Boruto's story going forward.

Boruto in his stated that Naruto will played a role in a while at the beginning portions

Remember on the first statement story narration from Boruto himself at the first chapter of the manga, "I'll say this one more time. This is my story. Except, for just a little bit at the start, it's the story of me and my dad." you all need to remember that Naruto's had a big role in a possible a first half portion story of BORUTO and regarding about way before fated battle between Naruto & Kawaki and destroyed Konohagakure was a part of his backstory that he had told or somehow like a flashback story. At first the fate of Naruto has brought readers attention, the latest chapter and the next one might hinted something that already become Kawaki's statement back in the very first page of 1st chapter in BORUTO Manga.

Kawaki in BORUTO Anime Episode 1

However, Kawaki's dialogues is rather keeping Naruto's fate in cliffhanger, which he said, "I'll send you where I sent the seventh hokage, Boruto" for most of years and months people had come speculating regarding what happen to Naruto, whether he was alive as he trapped in another dimension or something else that really fit to his dialogue, although, it might be cruel to making statements without any proof, however, the words where is sent much same as the way it stated that Naruto is already death and it's something that I already heard several times from other media, like manga, anime and game. But, fans had a freedom to speculated about his survival until it was confirmed.

Although I might had to repeat my statement above that BORUTO Series is focus on his son, Boruto and of course the major characters death, even from old generation is greatly possible as it stated by Kishimoto that, killing off characters would give more freedom to the series as BORUTO was not bound to Naruto, even though various original elements are mixed in with the setting in a different period. 

The death of Naruto bringing more major impact to Boruto's character, also given more freedom to his character going forward as his struggling to overcome his dark fate and facing something that he would lost.

Fans reacting toward Naruto's death might cause them sad, triggered, and angered, also most likely that they would dropping the series altogether. But what about Boruto? the death of his father would brought scars much deeper within his heart and it would become a traumatic experience for him when he remembered how his father's died sacrificing himself. This gives major change to his characterization, from kid as we knew today and soon becoming mature, somehow serious, and had a sense of regrets. 

I think his father's death would be a first step how Momoshiki's prophecy that he would someone precious to him became true. What happens next to Boruto in Timeskip in my opinion and theory would be he struggling to keep the Will of Shinobi while struggling to overcome his father's death, and also unable to denied that inevitable death toward someone who close to him would still happen. His story coming forward sometimes could be sadder, but there's a lot way to go.

Naruto Unleashing his Final Kyubi Chakra Form in Chapter 51 - Sacrifice

Although it has not yet to be confirmed, whether the next chapter would bring up Naruto's closure story in BORUTO, however, the death of Naruto would become serious and more important events to all Naruto and Boruto fans around the world with those who had continuously watching his journey through more than 15 years with love and support that were given to many audience around the world and it's pop culture.

Naruto might be death, however, the legacy of the Will of Fire and love to him will always be remembered by all loyal fans to Naruto and those who brought united together to always paying a tritube to him as the one who give lessons to all that we should shouldering our hatred and turn into something that become love, respect, and decency to all people who had watch, read, and following Naruto since childhood. It might always be the best to remembered the legendary characters who shape the foundation to all people around the world.

"Gone, but not forgotten"

Unless there's a plot armor, where Kashin Koji who also trapped in the dimension that Kawaki had created, and retrieving and saving Naruto from his verge of death to be healed, so he can revealed himself to Naruto as Jiraya's clone. But I think it's worth to wait for the next chapter to see happen's next.

What comes after in the future of BORUTO Story?

Teen Boruto Uzumaki wearing Sasuke's cloak and his sword in BORUTO Anime Episode 1

We might don't know what comes after in the future of BORUTO Story, as the anime would reached the manga adaptation of AO Arc, although I don't if they could beat Deepa before it reached to the manga story, but fans might thought that AO Arc is the highly anticipated adaptation that Boruto fans had waiting for, but mostly they also hoping for Ao will getting a flashback about his survival, but I don't know, but I hope the studio won't messed up the chance. 

But if they still didn't fight Deepa when it reached a manga adaptation, maybe it brought a possibility for Deepa to appeared in manga. Although Kawaki might be the most anticipated character to appear in BORUTO Anime, I think I can't wait to hear his voice acting soon. But the most things that become awaited for me is the first meet between Kawaki and Iwabe, it would be more epic.

For manga, there's a speculation coming after with Timeskip's arrival, although I don't know what will happen to Kawaki, and how those this connected to fated battle between Boruto and Kawaki in the very first page of the first chapter which brought some questioning from all fans who still enjoyed to look forward for the next chapter. 

However, Boruto's story will be much sadder as it's going through dark and mature direction with given how much his future story in timeskip had any influenced with how the dark tone story could take. Struggling to accepting his past failures, the upcoming fate, and continue following the path that he had choose, his own path of Shinobi, while struggling to defying the fate that Momoshiki told him. Also teasing how it would lead to the end of the Shinobi era with furthermore chaos between all shinobi world, including Konohagakure.

I wonder how Boruto will overcome the dark fate and keep from turning himself becoming Momoshiki, everything is just beginning and the story will soon would be told in unexpected ways as possible, and since the manga being monthly would help us for the story get to the point where it leads to.


Boruto and Naruto Color Page Art in Chapter 16

For years since the BORUTO Manga first chapter manga, many of them calling the series since BORUTO -Naruto the Movie- as a worst and disrespect legacy to what NARUTO Series had stand for, that includes Naruto himself, with the inconsistency power scaling, story, artstyle, and characters, also when it comes to set in Peaceful World of Shinobi. But much worst is how they made it hard to believe that sometimes later that Naruto's character would reaching it's closure to end.

People putting their hopes for Naruto to survived, because how BORUTO Story wouldn't be good without Naruto like Dragon Ball Z when Goku dies from battle against Cell, but later reappeared in the third part of DBZ, even Dragon Ball GT is starring with Goku even it's a next generation titles. Although NARUTO and BORUTO is an action series, however, not like how Dragon Ball Z could take on to reviving our favorite character, or not even like NARUTO in War Arc where everyone can be revived with edo tensei.

The story of BORUTO is about how Boruto and the next generation would continue the legacy of shinobi and passing the Will of Fire from old to new generation. It is not just made in purpose for powerscaling, fan-service, and nostalgia like any shonen manga, but it's about how protagonist telling his own story in match how it went differently from how Naruto telling his own story, despite dark direction and tone will happen in the future storyline as the story opposing from his dad. But somehow, we cannot denied that there would be inevitable death to major characters, whether it's old or new generation or might be both.

Everything has it's beginning and also has it's end, but no matter what eras, The Will of the Fire and The Will of Shinobi still lives on.

I hope the author or even Anime could make Naruto's death even more meaningful, satisfying, and can made fans even more tearjerker, while also bringing an heartwarming satisfaction to his smiling that he had finally achieve what he wants, and resting in peace to knowing he had done his part and entrusted everything to Boruto. It also makes it more to paying his tritube to all Naruto fans. IF they do it really well. If they don't, expect a lot fires and blames happening between communities, but I hope the author can hope their plans can keep under control, or else it would be harder for them to trusting the authors who running the series at this point. But I hope it wouldn't happen, but we will see.

But I think it much better if they let Sasuke to lived, because I still want to see Sasuke to accomplished something, and train Boruto whether in outside in three years like his father did, or in the village, but no one knows what will happen, but all we can do is to wait for the next chapter.

I might won't expect for the series entering the BIG 3 Jump Generation, however, it would continues to be known by all fans who really loved the franchise and BORUTO as a series.

Enjoy the latest of BORUTO Anime Arc, Kara Actuation Arc and wait for the next chapter of BORUTO Manga on Manga Plus.

BORUTO Anime Key Visual for Kara Actuation Arc

BORUTO Anime still currently at the Kara Actuation Arc which how this will connected to where Victor being killed by Kashin Koji, what happened to Deepa and how the story of AO Arc will truly begin. But right now, the story of Kara Actuation Arc will possibly reaching to the climax going forward. Whether they will fighting against Deepa once again, or just directly continued to AO Arc is still unknown, but the possibility that Deepa will appear in either Episode 174 or Episode 175.

BORUTO Manga Color Page Art of Chapter 51 by Mikio Ikemoto

While for BORUTO Manga the possibility the versus Isshiki arc will reached to the climax as Naruto will unleashed his ultimate or his final form to defeat him but it would required him a sacrifice in order to use that power. It is unknown whether he's really gonna die, or survived for the timeskip. There's also teased for what will happen to Kawaki later on, however, all this is still unconfirmed, but it would be a best to find out. The next chapter will be released on the next month 11/20.

BORUTO -Naruto Next Generation- Anime will broadcasted at 17:30 on Japan Time and you can watch it on Crunchyroll, and for the next chapter of BORUTO -Naruto Next Generation- Manga, you can read it on the Manga Plus. but you can read the current chapter on Manga Plus by clicking this link.


Before the closing, It might still bit unconfirmed whether Naruto's story is reaching it's closing on next chapter, however, I aware that you all might also set a flame toward me because I'm talking about why Naruto should die to give Boruto's development story move forward, although I didn't do this to triggered a hate and flames toward many communities, but I only sharing this for educational purpose and my own opinions. But people might still understanding the purpose behind of my writing post, and I accept it. 

But is that have to be so much hate for Boruto just because Naruto's death, or because I'm the one who made an opinion about it, but I already make a clear to myself, if I'm hating Naruto I might already done this before, however, as someone like myself who watched Naruto ever since my childhood days, there's no way I could disrespect him. But I do sincerely hope that Naruto could survived, but I think it's up to them right now.

Rather than staring a flames war within communities and blaming the authors altogether, if that happens, all we need to do is to remembering all his struggles, his character and his legacy to make sure that Naruto won't be forgotten, we might gonna continue to find out what's next to Boruto, however, we also never forget how Naruto define the story of Boruto and the next generation in  meaningful ways. Naruto wants to overcome the hate and bring peace to Ninja World which free from hatred, so why not we as well do like Naruto did, to overcome and revoking the hate also bring peace toward communities. 

Naruto won't hating his son, he won't calling him a trash and garbage, but why we calling the series along with his son with the way that Naruto would never described to him? You all love Naruto so much, you guys might had shown example like how Naruto did in his own series but you guys never even shown the example like he did toward his son, so I guess the love for Naruto might still not enough for you guys.

Everything has improvement and development through writing and drawing, everything has a process to how series goes through months and years, and soon it would be a payoff with how they would achieve at the near end of BORUTO Series. Everything has it's improvement, no matter what hates and what critics they received, they will always improved without stopping, and so I hope BORUTO Series will continue to be successful in different ways than his father did, but also remembering his legacy through heart of the fans, he might be gone, but he would never be forgotten.

But one day I hope there won't be anymore sequel after BORUTO Series, I think they had gone through enough and they might don't want to milk anymore series about Ninja in Konoha, I think it's time to move on. Where? you can guess.

Please write comment on below if there's an incorrect or unacceptance about my statement, if you all still hating and having problem about BORUTO and with how series tone and direction goes for, and I think this series it's not for you to read or watch. All fans might had free-speech and free to make an opinion, but do not impacting to those who really want to try to read and watch BORUTO, everyone who is new to the series is really allow to try and thinking if this series really match what they loved or not.

But I'm sincerely hope the two communities between BORUTO and NARUTO still accepting the equality and understanding toward each other in common sense to avoid war. 

Hope you guys can stay safe and Wear the mask for all of your safety! 
Thank you for reading.

Special Thanks to:

The Creator of NARUTO and BORUTO Series
Masashi Kishimoto

The Author and Artist of BORUTO Manga
Ukyo Kodachi & Mikio Ikemoto

The BORUTO Anime Production Studios
Studio Pierrot (Don't mess it up Pierrot) along with Anime Production Team

The music composer of BORUTO Anime, who keep active since NARUTO Shippuden

The BORUTO translator
Organic Dinosaurs

To all BORUTO Fans along with my friends who keeping the communities more alive and grow than before with their own contents and platform.
Make sure you follow them on link source below:

and many more fans who became part of the communities and hoping BORUTO will continue grow within communities and fanbase, from facebook, twitter, tumblr, Instagram, Discord, and reddit.
(Let me know on comment below if there's someone wanting to be added on the list).

Very special thanks and wish for good luck to one and only veteran youtubers who always supporting BORUTO, and always be an important members to BORUTO Communities.

Please contact me or comment below if there's any disturbing content or noticing a reposting image in this post, I will fixed it shortly as much as I can!!


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